Elite Edge FX Academy
Become a funded profitable trader
Session One - My EXACT Setup
Build your trading setup the correct way on strong foundations, without the guess work. So now you can finally model what works and become consistently profitable.
Session Two - My Market Overview
Join my weekly sessions so you never miss a highly probable trade setup again. Peek over my shoulder as I breakdown what trades I am looking to place each and every week.
Session Three - My FULL Support
My philosophy is simple; Nobody Is Left Behind. Thats it! I know how hard this journey can be without the correct support at each level on the journey. So I am here on demand at every stage.
Get A Fully Booked Calendar In Days
Within 48 hours of working with us we’ll install a prospecting ninja into your business. These ninjas are already vetted out from our lead advisors. They are trained to go and ready to start setting you appointments.
To ensure that you are getting a high quality ninja, they also go through an additional 15 weeks of lead generation coaching.
By the time you are on boarded you will have a vetted out ninja ready to be placed inside your business so you can focus your time on closing deals.
Automate Your Prospecting Today
The reason so many online businesses fail is because they don’t focus enough of their time and attention on building a legit pipeline.
Using the new Hybrid model, you can finally free yourself from the day-to-day grind of reaching out to new clients and focus your attention on closing more deals by utilizing the same systems and processes that we’ve used to set 10,000+ appointments.
We give you copy n paste systems that you can easily duplicate yourself to streamline your business.
Discover The Ninja System on how online businesses are consistently generating 5+ booked appointments each and every single day. We give it to you so you can plug in and play our exact systems and processes.
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Result: From $10k-$75k/mo
When Joe came to us he was spending the majority of his time prospecting leads himself and no predictable process to get consistent booked appointments with qualified solar clients. Joe knew that if he kept doing everything himself that he would never be able to scale to the numbers that he wanted.
The Process
When joe started he said all i want is “appointments to show up on my calendar without me slaving away hours to set them.” He knew that he could close 40% of the qualified deals on his calendar.
We installed a prospecting ninja and showed Joe how to set up our systems to automate the prospecting section of his business.
While working with our team Joe was able to take his solar agency from $10k/mo to $75k/mo in less than 5 months. The best part is that Joe spend 0 minutes setting up new appointments and spends his time closing deals with qualified prospects at a 63% close rate.
The Result
Joe got at it right away and as soon as his ninja was installed into New Age Enterprise, he immediately started seeing more booked appointments on his calendar. Which allowed him to focus on sales and closing more deals. Joe’s business is now on track to do $1 Million dollars this year.
Results: From $6k/mo- $202k/mo
When Jack came to us he was doing around $6k per month with clients in multiple different industries. He was putting in 12+ hour days and was ready to reach burnout. Jack knew that he needed to build structure and become the CEO of his business.
The Process
When we first started working with Jack he had everything together but in a million different places and just needed help simplifying and putting it all together. That’s exactly what we did.
After our call with Jack we simplified his business structure to create one unique offer inside the Interior design space. We then helped install our unique prospecting strategies into the Point Of Rock Media team. Jack immediately took action and proved that he was a dominant player in the interior design space. After discussing what type of systems and processes Jack needed to implement inside Point Of Rock Media, his business took off.
We worked with Jack and his team to automate their client acquisition and to simplify his business by installing the right structure so he could scale with predictable numbers. After helping Jack simplify his business he went from $6k/mo to $40k/mo (within 90 days.)
The Result
By installing the right structure inside Point Of Rock Media, Jack was able to scale his business to $202,000 per month just within 12 months.
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Results: From $4k/mo- $30k/mo
When Ben came to us he had a couple clients with no consistent lead flow and more importantly wasn’t sure where his next clients were coming from each month. Ben knew he needed to get the right systems in place to take his business to the next level.
The Process
Ben had no systems in his business when we first started working together. Like many business owners. They just play the hustle hard game. As soon as we started working together we took a deep dive into his day to day tasks and helped Ben develop the right SOP’s the free up his time so he could focus on sales.
Once Ben had his ninja his business took off like one of Elon Musk’s rocket ships going to mars. He saw immediately results and started not only closing deals but had consistent lead flow that brought more joy into his business by knowing that each and everyday he was waking up to money opportunities on his calendar.
The Result:
Ben went from struggling to keep 2-4 clients a month and in business debt to running a business that runs on autopilot while he snowboarded in Colorado (we had a chance to meet up one weekend when I was in Colorado to shred, check out the picture below.) He no longer has to second guess where his next deal will come from because he knows that his ninjas will continue to grow the business. Ultimately giving Ben and the Grabbing Media Marketing team confidence to grow and bring on new team members.
Results: $0- $10k/mo
When Ben fist started working with us he had a vision but no idea how to make it complete. He knew he wanted to make a name for himself in the online basketball community while making an income pursuing his passions.
Bens strategy of gaining new clients each month was relying on luck with no proven system to generate prospects and obtain new clients each month. When we sat down with Ben to develop a custom game plan for Hoopr Media we focused on client acquisition and making sure that they had a fat pipeline.
Now Ben is making a name for himself in the online basketball trainers community and having clients come to him just because of his online presence.
The Result
Ben went from a dream with 0 clients to a cash producing business that pursues his passion to help online basketball trainers get more clients.
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Results: From $0k/mo- $20k/mo
Zelle Digital: Bradley Cook went from $0-$20k/mo
in 3 Months!
“If I were to recommend a program out of the 4 programs I've invested in, my highest recommendation would be High Ticket Freedom!”
When Bradley joined HTF he was very hesitant due to the fact that he was burned in the past and also invested in 4 other programs with seeing little to no returns. Shortly after joining High Ticket Freedom, Bradley started landing his first client, then his second client, and then his third, and so on….
The Process:
When we first started working with Bradley he knew the concepts of how everything worked but nothing was working for him…
We started first by tweaking his outreach strategies. Which consisted of narrowing down his target audience then coming up with an ethical script to make sure that we were not sounding like robots when reaching out to potential clients. After we proved the concept of the new outreach we then started to scale his prospecting by getting him in front of more potential clients. This process can be very time-consuming so we automated it with virtual assistance (otherwise known as prospecting ninjas.)
Once Bradley started to get consistently booked appointments on his calendar the next step was making sure that these deals would close and at a high ticket value. Bradleys team has been closing
consistently and their most recent close was at $7,500 per month.
The Result
We worked with Bradley and his team to narrow down his offer and simplify their client acquisition strategies. Bradley and the
Zelle Digital team very quickly went from $0 to $20,000 per month in less than 3 months.
A couple of kind words Bradley had to say about working with
The HTF Program:
“ The thing I've been really impressed with inside HTF is the integrity of the approaches. I feel comfortable with these approaches. There not bait and switch and actually legit to get a client”
“There’s no kool-aid to drink when joining HTF because it’s ethical and forms real relationships with clients”
“If I were to recommend a program out of the 4 programs I've invested in, my highest recommendation would be High Ticket Freedom, because of the honesty, integrity, and leadership. Also just being in a space where people genuinely care about each other and wanting each other to genuinely advance.”
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Frequently Asked Questions
Think about it like we are installing a prospecting machine inside your business.
We have a placement agency in the Philippines that finds and trains virtual assistants to become “Prospecting Ninjas.” After our agency vets out these ninjas they are then placed into a 15 week boot camp where they are trained daily on the same systems and processes that we use inside our own business. That’s the thousand foot overview of what a ninja is, if you’d like more information, then make sure to book a call.
You will get access to all of the training, sops, documents, resources, etc… right away! Everyone goes at their own pace. We have some clients that make their money back in 24 hours because of one simple tweak in their business. However we have some clients that don’t do anything and sit back and twiddle their thumbs wondering what happened. Short answer, it is 100% up to you on how fast you implement what we teach. We’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into the information and technology that we use to help you get the same results. It works. If you do.
All of our ninjas come with a 100% satisfaction and lifetime guarantee.
If for some reason one of our ninjas doesn't work out for your business or if some random life event happens and they need to be replaced, we have a lifetime guarantee. Simple solution, we will find a new one for you.
We really care about client results. In fact, we are obsessed with client results. The main difference between High Ticket Freedom and most coaching programs is that we already have income coming in from other sources, so our lifestyle does not thrive on whether or not you get enrolled or not. Most coaches' only source of income is from their coaching. We have our own agencies and other investments that pay us. We teach a lot of different things and use our unique strategies that we are consistently testing and improving to help you get your business the best results. At the end of day the decision is 100% up to you. We recommend that you always go with your gut decision and who you vibe with the most. If you decide to go with us, you won’t regret it.
You get both. We would never want to half deliver on anything so that’s why we provide a hybrid method. We place a fully trained ninja inside your business (done for you) and we also consult with you as a business owner for 15 weeks (done with you.)
Absolutely, if you qualify we have access to 0% interest rate funding that can help you get in, get started, get paid, all before your first interest payment is due.
Automate Your Prospecting Today
Great Question! It seems like everyone nowadays is an expert online.
Even if we didn't have hundreds of testimonials and 400+ total clients.
It's the experience that you can bet on.
The truth is, just a couple of years ago we were probably in the same exact scenario that you're currently in.
Overworked, underpaid, and felt like we were a slave to our businesses.
After all, we get into this space for freedom. A lot times it's easy to get caught up and next thing you know, you're overworking yourself wondering if this is what you're meant to do.
My brother Blake and myself have both been there. That's why we've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn these skill sets to true freedom.
We each run online agencies that combined produce over $150,000+ each and every single month. The best part is, we've cracked the code to automations and freedom.
Now we spend the majority of our time doing what we truly love to do, which is coaching like-minded entrepreneurs, like yourself, to hit the next level inside their business.
We've helped a total of 400+ online businesses with lead generation over the previous 5 years and have learned that automating it with proven systems always gets better results.
That's why we made a commitment to the day that we started seeing success in this online space that no matter what we do, we will go all in 110% and overdeliver. Because at the end of the day, we already have income from other sources and investments that make us money. The prospecting ninjas and The High Ticket Freedom family is what ultimately drives us to achieve more every day.
So if you're ready to really see some growth, book a call to speak with us. We teach the exact same frameworks, tools, systems and processes that we use inside our own business to help you achieve the same or even better results than we have (yes, a lot of our clients actually get better results than us.)
Automate Your Prospecting Today